Sharing Your Heroes

Sharing Your Heroes

During a time of uncertainty and loss, we want to thank you all for your support during these trying times. We at Say it with a Sock feel now, more than ever, it is important to bring people together and express gratitude for the many people who have sacrificed their own safety and comfort for the good of their communities.

At the beginning of March, we asked our subscribers to nominate their own hometown heroes, people on the frontlines of this pandemic who have displayed selflessness, bravery, and courage in the face of COVID-19. We have been sharing some of these stories over at our Instagram page and want to continue to highlight some of these exceptional heroes!

The Medical Professionals

We were so overwhelmed with the amount of nominations for the heroic medical workers who are working on the front lines. Doctors, nurses, assistants and receptionists, EMTS, radiologists, anesthesiologists, and more are exposing themselves and their families daily, ensuring the health and safety of others in their communities. These medical professionals are doing this while adapting to new information and virus regulations. We thank them for their sacrifice! 

The Essential Workers

Many essential workers are overlooked & work thankless jobs. While others get to work from the safety and comfort of their own homes, these essential workers are showing up to work and keeping our grocery stores, restaurants, hospitals, etc. clean and safe, while having to learn new policies and sometimes work longer hours. We thank them for their hard work during this difficult time!

The Public Servants

Public servants like police officers, politicians and policy makers, firefighters, and more are constantly working for the good of their communities. And during this time, they have gone above and beyond to protect the public, especially those most vulnerable.  In the face of the unknown, they offer a strong and united front. We thank them for their dedication!

The Teachers

The education of our children is so important. When schools across the country were required to close earlier this year, teachers stepped up in a big way. They have had to work to adapt to their new online classrooms, create new ways of teaching and reaching students, and help ease the worry, stress, and confusion their students face. We thank them for their flexibility!

And to everyone,

You have all come together in ways to uplift, encourage and protect each other during this time. We thank you for staying home!

To see the full stories of our hometown heroes, check out our “hero” highlight on our Instagram page..